The members of the Friends of the Pike County Public Library actively work to enrich library resources through funds from memberships, gifts and fund-raising events.

During the past 38 years, the Friends have raised over a quarter of  a million dollars for the library  and have presented gifts to the library ranging from furniture, copiers, encyclopedias and air conditioners to a generous donation that funded the library’s first computerized circulation system in 1992. More recently they have provided funds to enhance e-resources and kindles.

Awarded “Friends Group of the Year”

In 2001, the Friends of the Pike County Public Library group was awarded the name “Friends Group of the Year” by the Pennsylvania Citizens for Better Libraries. The Friends of PCPL are supported by the Library Boards which has strongly endorsed the Friends Group and its goal to publicize the librariy’s services and activities. The people of Pike County who have generously responded to the Friends’ fund-raising activities; and to the Friends themselves, who have contributed their time, efforts and creativity to make the library a better place for all the citizens of Pike County.

Beyond the Library Itself

In addition to membership drives and fund-raising events (which include much-anticipated book sales) the Friends of PCPL also sponsor popular educational and cultural bus trips. Volunteers from the Friends’ organization sort and shelve the donated books and staff the desk in the Books Sale Room in our beautiful Milford branch facility. The Friends Book Sale room is open during regular library hours.

New Members Welcome

Please take a few minutes to support your library by joining the Friends of PCPL.